"Verily we made every human being exalted." Quran 95:4


Regn. No. 61/2009 under Societies Registration Act 21 of 1860. Recipient of 12A and 80G



Society Governing Body decided to purchase a Land for School. A piece of land is under consideration and dealing process is going on.  Society is requesting from public to donate for this noble cause.  If you are interested to donate please contact Secretary.


Like Minded people of different walks of life who wanted to address issue of vulnerable section of society gathered to form a body to work as bridge between giving and receiving end.

The basic moto was to address hardship faced by Children, Women and Economically weak section. There were ample of organization working in this field but most of the philanthropic and charity linked donation were syphoned into establishment cost and people at the receiving end were getting just tips of the iceberg proportion.

So people gathered decided to form the society in 2009 to turn around the table to the benefits of beneficiaries utilize minimal cost for establishment and make possible the donation to reach the real beneficiaries.


Almanar Social Service, Jamshedpur, India, aims to ensure dignity, equality and justice to every individual through community service projects resulting in India’s march towards a developed society. Prosperity without deprivation, affluence without disparity, creativity without vulgarity and refinement with emergence of compassionate society is our vision of future India.


Our mission is to work as a bridge between giving and receiving ends of the society so that less advantaged people become equal partners in the progress of society and nation. Our aim is to reach depressed and disadvantaged section so that they can attain what common citizen cherishes. For achieving this we work in the field of education, health, employment generation, social upliftment and toward off evils prevalent in the society.


Background and Status

Non-governmental nonprofit making but abiding by the norms set by the government society was registered with registrar Registration, no personal or family benefit and representative to be in nature with slogan of "SHARE AND CARE" society has marched a long distance in emancipation of vulnerable section to reach common man and uplift them to a standard.

Which a common citizen cherishes without endangering self-respect in the field of health education child and women welfare environment we worked and we are trying for overall development of the society for attaining a decent living.

When we go through secretarial report of this year 2019-20 we can see the society has kept his promises of being a partner in upliftment and becoming a bound between receiving and giving end.

Almanar has become a renowned name in the field of philanthropic effort of vast area in and around Jamshedpur town.